White Paradise

American ski instruction, despite being located in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”, has a reputation for being slow, cautious, safety-oriented, and rule-obsessed, a reputation it deserves in contrast with places like Scandinavia or the Alps, the latter of which … Continue readingWhite Paradise

Catching a Lift

Fundamentally there are three schools of thought for spacecraft that enter and exit planetary atmospheres (spacecraft that stay in space have their own design considerations, and in any case can get much wilder): capsules, spaceplanes, and lifting bodies. Anybody who’s even passingly familiar with spaceflight … Continue readingCatching a Lift

Personal Transportation of the Near Future: Flying Cars and Beyond

The role of transportation technology, specifically the fastest transportation that the masses can afford and the infrastructure permits, is a pervasive but often unconsidered factor in our daily lives, influencing our built environment and even our social and economic opportunities. After rapid advancement in the … Continue readingPersonal Transportation of the Near Future: Flying Cars and Beyond